Nikki Kirk Wins Lifetime Achievement Photography Award

Oh my goodness where do I start with this tremendous news that came in on Saturday evening at the Annual Awards for The Guild of Photographers…

Usually we would be dressed in our finest in evening attire at a rather lovely location feasting on a delicious meal with champagne, chatter, and rousing applause for the award winners. This year it was all conducted on Facebook Live.

I am delighted to share with you all that I have been awarded The Photographers Bar for Wedding Photography.

Press release with more details on what this actually means below…

What it means for me is formal photographic industry recognition of the many years of hard work, training, consistently showing up and doing my job to the best of my ability. And it also showcases all of you; my awesome Clients and Clients to be. You put your trust and faith in me to capture the most special day of your lives and I deliver. Thank you all for being a part of my journey. Each and every single one of you. Thank you for understanding my vision and wanting to be a part of it. I treasure every single image I’ve taken and I know that you do too.

Thank You

Thank you too to my family, in particular Mr NKP and his unwavering support and endless cups of tea when I am up against deadlines. To my colleagues in the industry, and my suppliers for taking my work and putting it into printed works. In particular Jorgensen UK/South West Colour Mounts who have been with me since day one.

And the future… I see this as a platform for launch! Watch this space…!

Gloucestershire and Cotswolds Wedding Photography


International Recognition for Wedding Photographer Nikki Kirk

Gloucestershire and Cotswolds wedding photographer Nikki Kirk has been granted lifetime membership of the ‘Photographers Bar’!

Membership of the ‘Photographers Bar’ is a unique distinction only awarded to those photographers who have successfully had images assessed by the Guild of Photographers over the course of a year and have attained a score that evidences an exceptional level of professional skill and consistency, throughout that full year.

The Guild of Photographers is a highly respected association for all photographers, and its competition attracted over 16,000 entries in 2020 – all judged by an expert Panel of Judges each month. Points are allocated to entries and these are then totalled at the end of the year. Those who reach the required threshold are then awarded membership of the ‘Photographers Bar’.

Membership of the ‘Photographers Bar’ is a distinction that is exceedingly difficult to achieve. Since its inception 7 years ago only 250 photographers have achieved this. During this time over 75,000 images will have been entered for assessment by photographers in the UK and worldwide.

The Award was announced at a Virtual Awards ceremony on Saturday 6th February 2021. Steven and Lesley Thirsk (the Directors of the Guild) said – “We are delighted for Nikki as this is a great achievement! Submitting and having images assessed every month for a year and reaching the required standards to become a member of the Photographers Bar is very demanding. It illustrates her commitment, skill, and consistency. Nikki should be immensely proud of what she has achieved.”

Members of the Guild of Photographers are committed to achieving the highest standards of professionalism and to a journey of continuing professional development. You can find out more about the Guild at its website ( 

If you have any questions or need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact (your name) at (your contact details) or us! Lesley & Steve Thirsk (Directors – The Guild of Photographers) 01782 970323 / / The Guild of Photographers is the Trading name of the ‘Guild of Professional Photographers Ltd.’ Registered in England…Registered Office – Beethoven House, 76 Moorland Road, Burslem, Stoke On Trent. ST6 1DY Company Registration Number 06997478. Vat Reg’d Number 176091109

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